Alps 2020, Day 1: England – Switzerland – France

We flew from Bournemouth and landed in Geneva an hour and a half late, around midday. A combined baggage allowance of 23kg, which included climbing gear (ie. a bunch of metal) and winter clothes, meant that I was uncomfortably warm and resembled a shallot in both shape and number of layers. It was touch and go whether we’d make it to the car hire place before we lost our booking as we had less than an hour and our collection instructions weren’t clear, but we got there and happily accepted the keys to a Polo, which was better than the VW Up that we’d booked.

Unfortunately all we saw of Geneva was tarmac, concrete and industrial / “functional” residential buildings. Driving on the wrong side of the road was fine – the hardest thing was adjusting to sitting on the wrong side of the car. It took a little while before Ryan stopped wincing in anticipation of scraping the curb, but it was otherwise surprisingly easy to pick up. We drove down to the French Alps, watching excitedly as increasingly large, jagged mountains emerged from either side of the autoroute, and arrived in a pretty town called Les Houches. We picked up some groceries from Carrefour and headed to our AirBnB cabin, half an hour down the road in a tiny village near Saint Gervais Les Bains.

The cabin was dreamy. Tiny, cosy and well-equipped, with an easy to use (even drunk) pull-out sofa bed, small kitchen area and a bathroom so little that Ry had to sit diagonally on the toilet to fit his gangly limbs in. My only qualm was the coffee machine, which I just couldn’t get the hang of. Ryan made all kinds of hot drinks with ease and admittedly it did only have one button to contend with, but every drink I made was too small, too weak, too cold or served in a wet cup because I nailed the volcano effect – where the water exploded out the top of the machine, rather than the bottom.

He cooked a lovely sausage and prawn stir fry that evening, with an unknown orange fishy-smelling sauce which was horrible on its own but lovely in the stir fry, and we spent the first night drinking a €6.50 3l box of heinous wine mixed with grenadine syrup, working out how (not?) to vlog, climbing around the little wooden cabin and planning the next day.


This photo summarises our first attempt at vlogging. At least we can laugh about it

Update: excuses, activities and armageddon

I’ll make the excuse now: I’ve been vlogging. Having written in January about how I’ll write more blog posts in 2020, I’ve failed to do so entirely. I went on holiday to the Alps, took loads of videos, and my train journeys (previously reserved for reading and writing) have been spent editing a hilariously amateur vlog, which I recently uploaded to YouTube – find it here (nothing can embarrass me now). But it’s done and I’m back.

I’ve had a busy couple of months as I’ve just moved offices from Reading to Bristol, which has meant moving house from Alresford to a lovely little cottage in Warminster. My new train journey is just under an hour, which suits me as it gives me the opportunity to write my blog, read books and do other productive things which require me to sit still – something I struggle with on the best of days. The town is nestled in the Wiltshire countryside, has plenty of pubs and shops, and is a good mid-point between work and friends/family in Hampshire.

Notable activities since I last wrote include a brief bouldering trip to the Agglestone (Dorset), a week in the Alps, walks round the New Forest, camping in the South Downs, a weekend at Butlins with the Hillbillies (inc. my first time powerkiting), a trip to London to see Touching the Void in theatre, a few days exploring/hiking/climbing in the Peak District, a weekend of rugby in Kent, work trips to London, Birmingham, Guildford and Taunton, and moving house. I also conducted my first court hearing and secured an environmental prosecution, which was pretty cool.

Now that this horrible virus is doing the rounds I’m not getting out as much so I hope to sort out all my admin, get my cottage ship-shape, do some creative stuff, get back into some kind of fitness routine and catch up with the blog. I’ll write again soon, no excuses. In the meantime, I hope everyone who is panic buying stops being a **** (choose your own word).